Tuesday, March 17, 2009

musings on men and women who choose to be bald

This is an introduction to my decades long passion for bald headed women, particularly those who have chosen to keep their scalps smooth, their eyebrows and eyelashes removed and their bodies hairfree. Natually, this applies to men as well as it has been manifested by my own foray into the realm of those who have smooth scalps.

There are several websites that are devoted women who have the fetish to be bald and hairless. My hope is that both women and men who maintain this passion will find in this blog a place where they can express their feelings about shaving hairless from head to toe and their motivations. In my case, I see the desire to have a slick shiny scalp and absolutely no hair as the way to achieve the ultimate nudity.

A woman without clothes can be beautiful. If she is unclothed AND has no hair, and specifically has none on her scalp as well as no eyebrows or lashes(the extreme look that is becoming common), then she is not only "really" nude but she is absolutely ravishing and super erotic.

I have to go now. If anyone, either with hair or those who have already embraced the wonders of a clean smooth scalp, has anything to say, please write in. One of my goals is to create a community of men and women who, either as the result of total alopecia or by their own hand are now proudly bald, I happen to believe that if a core group of baldness enthusiasts can be formed then it won't be long before those who have held onto their hair, espcially those women who have very long hair but just below the surface really crave to be bald, will; join those who have already shed what might be called "dead weight", and allow their true selves, the slick scalp, hairless selves to emerge, perhaps never to lift up that "weight" again.